People were gearing up for Disability Insurance Awareness month in April and leveraging the 2022 Barometer report material. There was a high level of content utilized in April, from Myths, 101 videos, Life Hints, Barometer graphics. Now it’s your turn to turn content into customers!
Click here to see the Top Trending content collection and start using them with your community. Whether you’re in the beginning stages of marketing or adding emotion to your sales material, Life Happens Pro has the right resources to fit your needs.
Of the 663 assets used in April, here’s the top ten used by Advisors:
- Myth: Life insurance is too expensive. How will I ever be able to afford it? (Graphic)
- Disability Insurance 101 (Video)
- Life Insurance 101 (Video)
- The unmet need for life insurance has more than doubled over the past 12 years (Graphic)
- Myth: I’d say my home or car is my most valuable asset. Fact: In reality, your ability to work and earn an income is your most valuable asset. (Graphic)
- Most people aren’t prepared financially for the death of a primary wage-earner (Graphic)
- Life Hint: You get disability insurance to protect “future you.” (Graphic)
- Start saving for retirement now. (Graphic)
- Life Hint: Keep your promise to protect your loved ones financially and get life insurance. (Graphic)
- People who turn to social media for financial information (Graphic)
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