Easy to use marketing tools to share the content with your audience.

Social Media Posting and Scheduling
One of the fastest ways to build your brand can be accomplished by establishing a digital presence. Life Happens Pro helps make this easy by connecting your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter account to your plan so you can schedule content directly.
Monthly Social Calendar
Here you will find some of our best emotionally packed content that can be used for Storytelling purposes. Peruse content that focuses on our Real Life Story program, Life Lessons, or our award-winning PSAs.
Social Media Autostream
Connect your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter account to your account to schedule content within the platform to save time.

Website Tools and Embeddables

Embeddable Calculators
Our Embeddable Calculator can help your clients and prospects come to their own conclusions about their life insurance needs – while they are on your website. With a few easy steps, you can customize it to work with your website’s color scheme and design. Follow the instructions below.
Embedabbles Planners
Our Embeddable Planner can help your clients and prospects come to their own conclusions about their life insurance needs – while they are on your website. With a few easy steps, you can customize it to work with your website’s color scheme and design.
Embeddable Videos
Our Embeddable Videos can help your clients and prospects come to their own conclusions about their life insurance needs – while they are on your website.
Content Features
Personalize content such as our graphics, videos, and flyers to match your brand. Select between a dark or light background to have your information displayed and upload information such as your name, website, or phone number to be displayed on our content.
Branded and Unbranded Content
We create an unbranded and branded version for most of the available content within Life Happens Pro. Premium subscribers will have access to the full suite of unbranded content which can be downloaded or shared directly to your social pages. You can also select the preferred format for our available graphics to be displayed on Facebook or LinkedIn.
Content Variety
You can access over 900 pieces of content within Life Happens Pro, which includes a variety of content you can share with your audience. Choose between social graphics to post to your social pages or download and print deliverable flyers and brochures. You can filter through our Content Library to find the type of content and insurance type to craft the perfect message.