A Record-Breaking Insure Your Love Twitter Chat

Life Happens celebrated Insure Your Love month with a Twitter chat on February 15! The life insurance industry came together to drive valuable discussion about our latest study, “For Love and Money.” 

The truth is, American relationships are changing, and finances are playing a key role. We found that those in a relationship are talking openly about their finances even before saying “I love you.” The chat served as a timely reminder that getting life insurance is an expression of love that goes beyond words.

Thanks to the great participation from 112 unique authors, the hashtag #InsureYourLoveChat had 720 mentions, garnering more than 7.5 million impressions between January 15 and February 17, 2022. Top authors included New York Life, Erie Insurance, Protective Life, Navy Mutual, PolicyGenius, Advocis, Pacific Life, Securian Financial, Alliance for Lifetime IncomeNAIFA, LIMRA, ACLI, and more.

To visualize the conversation, check out this word cloud of our top keywords and hashtags during the chat. (Source: Sprout Social)


Plus, all of the new “For Love and Money” survey graphics used during the chat are available now on Life Happens Pro. Get the resources.


Do you want to be the first to know about our Life Insurance Awareness Twitter Chat this September? Sign up for our email newsletter here.