Put Top Trending Content to Use

Videos are trending! Advisors are using more video in March than ever before as 9 of the top 10 assets were videos. We are delighted people are leveraging the Real Life Stories in the material you are sharing. How can you use Real Life Stories? Let us count the ways: your Introduction email; during Client Meetings; in the Client Proposal; Continuous Play in your office lobby; in your Annual Review Process. These videos help your customers feel the ‘why’ to having insurance.


Click here to see the Top Trending content collection and start using them with your community. Whether you’re in the beginning stages of marketing or adding emotion to your sales material, Life Happens Pro has the right resources to fit your needs.


Here’s the list of top ten assets used by agents in March:

  1. Valerie King Real Life Story (Video)
  2. Disability Insurance Definition (Video)
  3. The Schroeder Family: In Good Times and Bad (Video)
  4. Sara Mathews Dixon: A True Financial Lifeline (Video)
  5. Life insurance can help your loved ones cover… (Video)
  6. Life insurance is love insurance. (Video)
  7. I’ve got love insurance. (Video)
  8. Love comes in all forms. (Video)
  9. Dream On (Video)
  10. Getting life insurance means you’re putting the “I love you” phrase into motion. (Graphic)

Start sharing the top content through Life Happens Pro today to maximize your digital marketing efforts! Login to Life Happens Pro now to get started.