It’s Time to Ride the Celebrity Wave

Danica Patrick’s star is white-hot right now. She’s leaving racing as the top female to compete in the sport, and is poised to take all her businesses—from fitness to clothing to wine—to the next level. She’s on a journey and we’re on one, too, with her as the spokesperson for September’s Life Insurance Awareness Month.

Your LIAM resources are now ready for you to peruse and start using—yes, you can use them now, through September and the ones featuring Danica all the way to Dec. 31 of this year. (And there is no “end date” for using all the evergreen resources!)

Check out this amazing video Danica has done for us to use as we all spread the word and the theme for this year’s LIAM: “Journey to Financial Fitness” and how life insurance is a key component of that.



This is just one of a slew of resources Life Happens has created for you to use. Check them all out here:

Remember, to access the complete suite of LIAM resources, you need to be a member of Life Happens Pro Plus or Premium (versus Lite), which also gives you the ability to put your logo or photo and contact info on the resources, and with Premium, you can actually take the Life Happens logo off an make the resources 100% your own. Amazing. Where else can you get star power like that with your branding. Check it out.

If you have questions about your subscription, reach out to