5 Ways to Market Life Insurance
The Comprehensive Playbook Series
Life Happens Pro has more than 27 years of experience marketing life insurance in order to educate, inform and ultimately help you sell. From our two-and-a-half decades of experience, we have found that the best way to sell is to first educate and build a relationship. This article contains five tips to create a successful multi-touchpoint marketing campaign for life insurance.
One of the easiest ways for us to convey a successful marketing campaign is through what we like to call, Playbooks. Think of these playbooks as no more than a set of rules, that when followed, create an amazing marketing campaign. In this article, we cover the medium of content, the usage with a client and lastly how to convert your lead.
Playbooks in this article:
So, let’s go ahead and turn content into clients.
Simplify your Digital Marketing

Life Happens Pro helps makes scheduling content easy by connecting your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter account to your plan so you can schedule content directly within the platform.
For the best results, we recommend posting between 3 to 5 times though out the week to establish consistent messaging for your brand.
Schedule graphics, videos, and animations on your social channels to make consistent touchpoints and share your message.
Within the Life Happens Pro platform you can find content categorized by the four awareness campaigns we run:
Life Insurance Awareness Month
Be sure to check out our campaign marketing guides for collaborative ideas on how to set up your campaign. You can find templates for our campaigns, Real Life Stories, and other insurance-related topics at the link below.
Tell an Emotional Story

Here you will find some of our best emotionally packed content that can be used for Storytelling purposes.
Peruse content that focuses on Real Life Stories, Life Lessons, or our award-winning public service announcements.
Check out our, “Dream On” PSA which won the (insert award, ask Creative)
Dream On
You would do anything to protect your family and ensure they have a bright future.
But have you considered how your loved ones would continue on financially if you were no longer here?
Life insurance is a simple and affordable way to answer that question. It allows you to say to your loved ones, “I’ve got you” … and mean it.
Use our videos in a variety of ways:
- With the embedded link, host the video on your webpage to share the story behind other families and how they overcame the loss of a loved one by having the necessary coverage.
- Copy the direct video link for email campaigns or send a relatable story to a prospect after meeting with them.
- Share directly to your social channels.
- Play the videos on a loop throughout your office for prospects to view when they meet with an insurance professional.
We have a variety of videos that can be used this way within our Real Life Story collection. Here are a few pieces of Storytelling content that we think stand out.
Educate Clients and Prospects

We aim to provide a variety of content that can also be used for educational purposes.
We provide templates for flyers, brochures, and videos that can be readily shared and distributed to prospects for different types of insurance.
You can leverage the content during campaign months to help drive home the importance of each type of insurance.
Flyers and brochures are perfect to print off and distribute in person or via direct mail.
Videos can be posted to social channels, embedded on a webpage, or directly sent to prospects through email via our direct link.
The true cost, reality checks, and myth-based graphics can also be leveraged to overcome misconceptions about insurance.
These pieces of content help provide details on the actual cost, use cases, and debunk common misconceptions about insurance viewed by the public.
Present like a Pro

Supplementing a speaking event with Life Happens Pro content is another way to provide valuable information that can be easily digested during a presentation.
Whether meeting with a client or prospect face-to-face, presenting as a speaker for an event, or even during a podcast you can leverage our content to deliver a strong presentation.
Check out some of our statistically-focused content that can be included in presentations for discussion points around your subject.
Suggested graphics include our info stat, true costs, and myths. {links}
Info stat graphics include data from our Barometer survey that we partner with LIMRA to provide each year.
These graphics are easily digestible data you can include in presentations to help make your point and to show the public’s consensus.
Myths offer common misconceptions about insurance and we create content around multiple lines of coverage. Our “True Costs”, content helps break down the misconceptions of how much someone would need to set aside for insurance protection.
Go tried-and-true with print

While digital marketing has become a focus in today’s world, we understand that traditional marketing methods can still prove effective and are frequently used.
Incorporating direct mail into your marketing process can add an individual touch to prospects.
For this reason, we have created flyers and brochures for you to include in your direct mail efforts.
Our flyers and brochures can be downloaded from the platform in a printable format.
Alongside other marketing materials, you can include our flyers and brochures to be sent out during mail campaigns.
Some of our most popular brochures include the basics of Life, Disability, and Long-Term Care Insurance.
Brochures and flyers are also great to be distributed when meeting in person with a client as well.
Check out our Storytelling page for how to leverage one of our Real Life Story videos in conjunction with our flyers and brochures to make a multiple-touch point campaign.